Friday, March 28, 2014

A good song to enjoy On this post I want to show you a musical video. This video is important for me, I really like this song because for me represent that we can’t fall with the destructive comments of other people said you.
The message is from David Guetta and Sia ( she is who sing this song) their focus are the audio and the song intonation for attract atttention to listen this song. The people that understand english or like type of music that they direct their music. The message that they try to give us, in my opinio, in spite of we have to be showerproof with the comments or incident that can injure in the moment insomuch as if we let them to affect us, we’ll let they beat us and maybe provoke a big problema with the love for yourself. I said that this is created the people will be more strong.
I can say “I like this song” because at the momento I hear her I feel more strong, nothing bad can happens to me, nothing can damage to me and if I am different is nothing bad.
The rhythm and intonation make wake up us and make put attention on the letter of this song and give wanting dance to us.
The life is really hard but we always must pass difficulty and we not be intimated by the other people, for more to be criticized.
I think this song is very good, good message counter the discrimination and good video. I have to add I like this rhythm and David guetta. In my personal opinion I recommend you listen it and understand this song, if you are passing for a bad moment which you feel vulnerable, you must be strong and fight for your ideals.

Who has not felt last take, wanting leave all dispose of and go out?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the opinion of Ana, because even though someone criticizes the way you are, you go through a time where you feel you can no more, you must always be positive and move on, because that is life. Learn from mistakes, failures and pains.
    So today music is an excellent therapy to boost our spirit and feel confident that the only important thing is to be ourselves and prove it, without harming others.
