Sunday, May 4, 2014

Strong, Independent Woman

I usually feel pretty offended by the very unfair position that this society has put women, the limited we are, all the free critique we recieve daily. we're like in the eye of the hurrican of opinions; the way we dress, the things we eat, the things we say, the people we kiss, the people we date etc. are constantly an issue for people that have nothing to do with our lifes. that's maybe why seeing this character, was so refreshing for me, even if it's someone from the past. Bcause, the image of a strong and independent woman *insert black lady meme*, at these times, gives me such a hope and strenght to face the unequal situation that women live day by day. 

Sometimes it's really shocking to see how difficult is for people to mental represent us like single existences, like we don't need to have a boyfriend/family/baby, for making us a place in life.I mean, living isn't any easy for we considering that we often have to make sacrifices, like giving up some aspects of our lifes for being successful in ours career,. like Elizabeth done.And that's maybe because society expects from us much more that we're about to give, they expect us to seetle down and make the model of the life of a "normal" woman, wife and mom. so there's the time of taking the bull by the horns, and say: no more, i'm gonna live for making me happy, in first place. The others come after.

p.d: The video has not much to do with the Elizabeth character, but it works pretty good in the way of adding some Girl Power to this entry. Also, the series, Broad City it's very funny, I personally recomend it.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with my classmate,because in the times of Elizabeth I the common
    thing that a woman has to do is to get marry and have children,but she decided not to do so and she ruled her country by their own despite the opinion of her advisors.
    Nowadays this issue remains,society is always expecting something from us as woman,the publicity tells as what to wear,what to eat and so on,but the thing is that we have to follow what makes us happy and not follow the common creteria.
