Friday, May 30, 2014

The Legend of Paikea

The Legend of Paikea

The Maori are an indigenous people from New Zealand. They came to this place it does more than 1000 years from their mythical natal land Hawaiki's polynesia.

Nowadays the people maori represents 14% of the population; their history, language and traditions are very important for identity of this country.

Their cultural representations as songs, dances and haka (dancing of ancestral war) are very interesting, but what caught my attention was The Legend of Paikea, Whale Rider, who arrived from the sea mounted in a mother-whale to create the land of people maori, and to teach traditions and sacred rituals for that the people to remain united and to respect mother Nature.

In the film that we saw, Whale Rider, was reflected as Maori try to keep their customs in modern times. In this history a girl named Paikea, fight for comply her destiny, to be a leader for her people. But this is overshadowed by the desire of her grandfather Koro, because he hoped to have a grandson to inherit the title of leader.

Throughout the film we see that such a title is forbidden for women to, however this does not stop Paikea in continuing her learning behind her grandfather, demonstrating great courage and bravery for wanting to preserve her roots.

The film so much  as New Zealand´s traditions teach us much about how our culture must to be, because today most Chilean don´t know, nor care to learn from their ancestors or roots, in this case the Mapuche are a mainstay essential to the beginnings of our history as a country.

I hope this actually change, because for to grow as a country, it is extremely important to preserve traditions, but adjusting to the present.
Here I leave a link , about Paikea's history, I hope that they enjoy it!!


  1. Hi Ma. Angelica! I liked your entry a lot, because I learned some important facts about Maori people and culture. I didn't know so much about the "Paikea" legend. It's so interesting to learn about this culture that I personally like a lot. As I noticed, they're very traditional and also patriarcal, as the movie shows. The facts, that the man shows up as a symbol of strenght and leadership, and the woman as the person who has to be "useful" is very present in the movie. Thank's for the link, I'd helped me a lot to understand and get to know a little bit more about this culture.

  2. I really enjoyed your post, because you give a lot of extra information about their culture and Paikea's legend.
    I didn't know too much about this legend, apart for the things that i learned from the movie so it's was very interesting to read it.
    By the way the information that appears in the link it's like a behind the movie, very informative too.

  3. I agree with you because I like too the film is really interesting like a girl establish that the women are strong too. the traditions have to be really important for all the people because all of them had a tradition and ancenstor. We don't accept our the life of our old relative.

  4. Despite the fact that I have not seen the movie completely, your link helped me to understand a little bit more about it, additionally I did not know about Paikea's legend, that's why I am commenting your post, I found it very interesting and engaging.

    I personally believe that traditions and customs must not be forgotten, and you did a great job join this topic with the Mapuche history.

  5. Thanks for all the comments, the truth is very important to maintain the customs and traditions, as our way of thinking, feeling, acting, our food and art are some of the many expressions of our culture, to put them into practice consistently we could transmit from generation to generation

  6. I really like your entry because the movie call my attention because the Maori people try to preserve their culture despite the fact that sometimes the ancestors are very closed-minded,but at the end they changed their minds.They realized that remaining together they will be stronger than before.
